Vibrational Frequencies

Vibrational Frequencies

Access to the Library of vibrational frequencies that will help you in your process of energy cleaning, self-knowledge and personal discovery.
  • 00:00:00Course Duration
  • BeginnerSkill level
  • R$39
    ( 80% off )
  • 25 December 2023Admission Deadline

What's Included?

Our frequency audio library is hand-selected. We know that nowadays there are thousands of audios on social media, but we don't really know what to expect from them. Many have frequencies that are not captured by human hearing and that contain subliminal messages. Yes this is dangerous.

Our audios have been duly studied and proven with countless cases in different areas such as helping with anxiety, insomnia, depression, procrastination, prosperity, relationships and others. Each playlist will be properly oriented for its best use.

Furthermore, after completing a form, you will have the opportunity to receive a specific frequency guided by Dr. Luciane Souza, which will enhance the results of your objectives.

The playlist will be available for a period of 1 year, and you will receive any updates made during this period at no additional cost.

Types of Cases

Below are examples of audios that you will have access to:

1. Insomnia
2. Anxiety
3. Depression
4. Panic syndrome
5. DNA Restoration
6. Harmony in Relationships
7. Love and Co-creation
8. Spiritual Awakening
9. Development of Intuition
10. Pineal Activation
11. Chakras
12. Connection with the Divine
13. Prosperity
14. Courage and self-confidence
15. Cleansing negative energies

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Need Any help!

Cassio Freire

Cassio Freire

Funder of CONECTME

How Can I Apply?

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