Conectados Academy

Conectados Academy

The academy aims to provide basic level knowledge that gradually deepens throughout its schedule, which was created to last 12 months.
  • 00:00:00Course Duration
  • BeginnerSkill level
  • R$49
  • 26 December 2023Admission Deadline

Course Schedule

The Online Academy has a different approach to other schedule proposals. While other programs normally last from 1 to 3 months, our Academy has a 12-month program. Classes are live and weekly on Thursdays and have a chronological order of information so that knowledge is absorbed in a simpler and more didactic way.

You are certainly tired of consuming content on the internet randomly, whether out of fad or curiosity, and you must have noticed that most of it leaves you more confused, which is why we decided to create a timeline for better understanding. After all, knowledge without understanding is just knowledge. When understanding begins, it becomes development and evolution.

Remember that only experiences, basic concepts classes, channeling and exercises are recorded on the platform.


1. Who are we
2. Where do we come from
3. Basic Concepts
4. The 7 Bodies
5. Prana and Aura
6. Chakras
7. Universal Laws
8. Hermetic Laws
9. The Elementals

If you enroll in the middle of the academic year, don't worry, the current module is saved on the platform and if you want to access previous modules, you can purchase them separately.

Enroll Now 

Need Any help!

Cassio Freire

Cassio Freire

Funder of CONECTME

How Can I Apply?

Read the steps below carefully before even clicking on the subscribe now button, because once you click the page will be redirected. If you have any questions, please contact our technical support.

Find the course you want to take


Click the sign up now button


Fill ou the form to access website


Complete payment successfully


Access the platform and enjoy!


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