Aura & Chakras

Aura & Chakras

Course with recorded classes + mentoring directly with Dr. Luciane Souza. Basic and advanced concepts about the 7 bodies and the 7 main chakras will be covered.
  • 00:00:00Course Duration
  • BeginnerSkill level
  • R$99
    ( 75% off )
  • 28 December 2023Admission Deadline

Course Schedule

Module 1 - The 7 bodies

Approach explaining what the 7 bodies are, what their functions are, how they interact with our physical body, and how to work on the balance of each of them.

1. Atmic Body
2. Buddha Body
3. Higher Mental Body
4. Lower Mental Body
5. Astral Body
6. Etheric Body
7. Physical Body

Module 2 - The 7 Chakras

Here we will talk about the 7 main chakras in our body and how we will identify if they are out of balance, how to treat them and the importance of each one in our daily lives.

1. Basic Root Chakra
2. Sacral Chakra
3. Solar Plexus Chakra
4. Heart Chakra
5. Throat Chakra
6. Brow Chakra
7. Crown Chakra

Module 3

Here we will provide exercises, meditations, frequency exercises and much more. Everything we understand is necessary to maintain the balance of your chakras.

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Cassio Freire

Cassio Freire

Funder of CONECTME

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